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iF Returns & Exchanges

Reduce refunds transforming them into exchanges and new sales and eliminate manual work

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: iF returns
  • Price: Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
iF Returns & Exchanges
  • iF Returns & Exchanges Screenshot
  • iF Returns & Exchanges Screenshot

About the iF Returns & Exchanges

Reduce refunds transforming returns into a sales driver, presenting your full product catalog to incentivize exchanging or buying new products. Automate refunds based on triggers and streamline customer service with full traceability and information of the process. Configure the portal to show different return and refund options per client or country and integrate your carrier or use our negotiated rates our negotiated rates for +200k drop-off points world wide

Key features

  • Incentivize exchanges and new sales by offering your full product catalog
  • Optimize operational cost configuring pricing, return, refund method workflows
  • Configure brading and return policies to generate a fully brand-like experience
  • Automate via rules and triggers to generate refunds, exchanges and re-stocking
  • Synchronize transportation and refund operations with any 3PL, WMS or ERP

Pricing of iF Returns & Exchanges

Free to install

Install from Shopify appstore

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