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Unlimited Feed

Easily create Product Feeds for your Shop. Unlimited products and automated updates every 24h.

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Holden LLC
  • Price: $6.90/month. Free trial available.
Unlimited Feed
  • Unlimited Feed Screenshot
  • Unlimited Feed Screenshot

About the Unlimited Feed

Easy-to-use product feed for Shopify stores. Basically you link your Shopify shop with this app. After linking you can create product feeds in several popular formats like Google Shopping. Product feed can be either XML or CSV formated. Unlimited products so it works well in future too, as your shop grows.

Key features

  • Export all your store products with XML or CSV feeds.
  • No limit to number of products in feed. Works well with bigger shops too.
  • Product feed updates automatically every 24hours, so its up-to-date.

Pricing of Unlimited Feed


$6.90 / month

Install from Shopify appstore

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