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Reviews collector

Get more reviews for your store and products on most popular platforms

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Trustgear
  • Price: $2.99/month. Free trial available.
Reviews collector
  • Reviews collector Screenshot
  • Reviews collector Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin

About the Reviews collector

Improve your store's SEO, customer retention, and conversion rates with Trustgear. Online reviews have a huge effect on consumers purchasing decisions. Therefore making your online reputation is one of the most important aspects of your business. Trustgear apps help you build your reputation on the review platform.

Key features

  • Invite the best customers to leave a review about your shop or product.
  • Invite anyone to leave a review about your selected products.
  • Collect service and product reviews with automated review invitations.

Pricing of Reviews collector


$2.99 / month


  • Collect automated or manual invitations.
Install from Shopify appstore

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