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Simple wishlist

Boost sales by allowing customers to save products as a wishlist products

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • 1 Reviews
  • Developers: Vitix Dev
  • Price: $0.99/month. Free trial available.
Simple wishlist
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot
  • Simple wishlist Screenshot

About the Simple wishlist

1. Boost Customer EngagementEasy Product Saving: Customers can save products they love to a wishlist, making it easier for them to return and complete their purchase later.Seamless User Experience: The wishlist is stored via cookies, ensuring that customers’ lists remain intact even if they leave the site and return later.2. Increase Sales and ConversionsEncourages Repeat Visits: Customers are more likely to return to your store if they have a wishlist, leading to higher engagement and

Key features

  • Boost customer engagement
  • Increase sales and conversions
  • Improve customer satisfaction

Pricing of Simple wishlist

Basic Plan

$0.99 / month

Install from Shopify appstore

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