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Show/Hide Description﹣ToggleUp

Control description size by allowing your customer to view more or less of the product description.

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Reveniux
  • Price: $0.50/month. Free trial available.
Show/Hide Description﹣ToggleUp
  • Show/Hide Description﹣ToggleUp Screenshot
  • Show/Hide Description﹣ToggleUp Screenshot

About the Show/Hide Description﹣ToggleUp

What is ToggleUp? The Toggle Description app allows you to manage the appearance of long text on your site by adding customizable "show more" and "show less" links to text description that exceeds a maximum number of words or characters. When users click on these links the text will be shown or collapsed. You can apply it to Product descriptions, Collection descriptions, or both...

Key features

  • Apply toggle on product page, Collection page or both
  • Full Customizable
  • Support

Pricing of Show/Hide Description﹣ToggleUp


$0.50 / month

Install from Shopify appstore

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