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Hextom: Currency Converter

Currency converter & selector on website to offer localized shopping experience, boost global sales

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Hextom
  • Price: $9.99/month. Free trial available.
Hextom: Currency Converter
  • Hextom: Currency Converter Screenshot
  • Hextom: Currency Converter Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin

About the Hextom: Currency Converter

Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they are presented with their preferred currency. If you want to sell globally, it is important to display localized product prices on your website. Multi Currency Converter detects visitors' local currency and auto converts the displayed price. You can also choose to use real-time exchange rate or manual configured rate, and configure converted price rounding rules. This helps to provide localized shopping experience, and boost sales globally.

Key features

  • Support currencies used by 230+ countries and regions, reach global markets
  • Auto-detect local currency based on visitor’s geo location, and convert price
  • Multi-currency selector on websites, visitors can choose currency manually
  • Option to use manually set exchange rate or auto-update real-time exchange rate
  • Support to set rounding rules to make converted prices more consistent and clean

Pricing of Hextom: Currency Converter

Premium Plan

$9.99 / month

Install from Shopify appstore

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