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Product & Section Blocker AGeo

Control your product's global reach. Block products/variants/sections by country and state with ease

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: ZendApps
  • Price: $6.99/month. Free trial available.
Product & Section Blocker AGeo

App highlights:

    • Works with the latest themes

About the Product & Section Blocker AGeo

Blocking products, variants, and sections by country/state is an essential feature for any e-commerce business that operates in different regions. This feature allows stores to comply with different legal regulations, such as restrictions on certain products in specific countries or states. By blocking products, variants, and sections based on geographic location, stores can ensure that they are not accidentally selling products in regions where they are not permitted, protecting legal standing.

Key features

  • Block collections, products and variants by country and state
  • Block specific URLs for your store in multiple countries
  • Display product warnings when adding the product to the cart
  • Display the product block message to visitors in your store design
  • Block any section of store, we hide/show the sections of the store by country

Pricing of Product & Section Blocker AGeo

Premium Plan

$6.99 / month


  • Block Products By Country
  • Block Collections By Country
  • Lock Store URL By Country
  • Unlimited Rules Supported
  • Secret Link for Unlock Products
Install from Shopify appstore

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