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Bulk Cancel & Delete Order MAi

This app cancels and/or deletes orders in bulk, saving you time and energy. One-click cancellations.

Bulk Cancel & Delete Order MAi
  • Bulk Cancel & Delete Order MAi Screenshot
  • Bulk Cancel & Delete Order MAi Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin

About the Bulk Cancel & Delete Order MAi

This app closes, cancels + refunds and/or deletes orders in bulk, saving you time and energy. One-click cancellations. This app is unique in that it enables the closing, cancellation and deletion of orders in bulk. You can easily manage this rather than going into each individual order. You can also use a number of filters combined with search to cancel and delete orders in bulk.

Key features

  • View your orders and easily choose which to cancel, close or delete
  • Use search and filters to define which orders you want to cancel/close or delete
  • The app runs in the background so it won't affect your store's performance

Pricing of Bulk Cancel & Delete Order MAi

Install from Shopify appstore

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