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Add to Cart ‑ Sales Channel

Seamlessly connect and sync your store with our marketplace, then enjoy more, new orders.

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Add to Cart
  • Price: Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
Add to Cart ‑ Sales Channel

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin

About the Add to Cart ‑ Sales Channel

The Add to Cart Sales Channel app is designed to help sellers get more online exposure and grow sales by leveraging our online presence. Once the app is installed and set up, our system syncs all your products over to our marketplace, AddToCart - and when a new order comes through us, it simply lands in your Shopify backoffice, ready to be fulfilled - just like your own orders. All the product information is sync'd, so if you edit a product we instantly update everything on our side.

Key features

  • Automatic Sync: Everything is in sync with your store, even the inventory.
  • New orders are pushed directly into your Shopify admin, ready to be fulfilled.
  • Seamless and hassle-free. It's almost too good to be true.

Pricing of Add to Cart ‑ Sales Channel

Free to install

Install from Shopify appstore

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