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Xpansion Product Connector

Show individual products as variants and link products by SKU, product code or (part of) a title.

Xpansion Product Connector
  • Xpansion Product Connector Screenshot
  • Xpansion Product Connector Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the Xpansion Product Connector

The Product Connector is an app block for showcasing a wider range of product variants on your product page, helping your customers find the right product variation easier. In the product lists of some vendors, it is common for a product to have several colors or variations within different SKUs, so that no variations are displayed on the product page. This is no longer a problem with the Xpansion Product Connector.

Key features

  • Show individual products with matching SKU’s as if they are variants.
  • Products are easily linked using SKU, Barcode, or title.
  • Different design layouts to show other variants.
  • Seamless integration with Shopify 2.0 themes.
  • Visitors no longer have to leave the product page to change the color or size.

Pricing of Xpansion Product Connector

Single app

$2.95 / month


  • Unlimited use of app block
  • No limitations
  • Access to Xpansion 2.0 Dashboard
  • General design settings
  • Live-chat support
Install from Shopify appstore

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