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Voice Search‑MyAppGurus

The Voice Search App: Get personalized and faster results with audio instructions.

Voice Search‑MyAppGurus
  • Voice Search‑MyAppGurus Screenshot
  • Voice Search‑MyAppGurus Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the Voice Search‑MyAppGurus

Our voice search app is a cutting-edge tool that enables users to find online information using just their voice. Our app allows you to search for anything from the latest news to directions to your favorite restaurant. Activate the app and speak your query, and our advanced algorithms will provide you with accurate and relevant results within seconds. Our app is perfect for anyone who needs to search the web while on the go or needs hands-free access to information.

Key features

  • Advanced voice recognition to understand requests and respond accordingly.
  • Secure experience for users, ensuring customer privacy and data protection.
  • Faster and more efficient Voice search results with our Voice Search Results.
  • Improved search experience as it consumes less time and efforts of the users.

Pricing of Voice Search‑MyAppGurus

Install from Shopify appstore

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