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Helpful Product Reviews App

Unlock the full power of your eCommerce store with Product reviews, Business reviews, ChatGPT + Q&A

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: HelpfulCrowd
  • Price: Free plan available. Free trial available.
Helpful Product Reviews App
  • Helpful Product Reviews App Screenshot
  • Helpful Product Reviews App Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

Integrations with:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Aftership
  • PageFly
  • Weglot
  • Aliexpress
  • Amazon
  • Trustpilot
  • Yelp
  • ChatGPT

About the Helpful Product Reviews App

HelpfulCrowd automatically collects reviews with personalised review requests after purchase. Build loyalty and save time with ChatGPT. Give discounts for customers who share photos and video reviews. Collect reviews for past orders, import reviews from other Apps, Aliexpress & Amazon. Showcase reviews in beautiful display widgets and engage visitors at critical conversion points. Engage new audiences via Google search & social channels. 30+ languages and operates on autopilot while you sleep.

Key features

  • Build Trust: Collect & share real customer stories about their experiences
  • Engage visitors: Showcase reviews in 36+ custom layout widget options
  • Drive Traffic: Help customers find you on Google search and Social channels
  • Marketing Tools: Q&A with reviews increases value + cross sell and upsell tools
  • Repeat sales: Reply to reviews, give discounts and build loyalty

Pricing of Helpful Product Reviews App

Launchpad 150

Free to install


  • Automatic review requests
  • Video & Photo verified reviews
  • Moderation
  • Google SEO
  • Basic loyalty coupons
  • Core widgets
  • 30+ languages
  • ..much more

Ascent 500

$10 / month


  • Q&A
  • Google Shopping
  • Product groups
  • Advanced loyalty coupons
  • Aliexpress|Amazon import
  • Premium widgets
  • Remove branding/dates
  • ..much more

Altitude Unlimited

$20 / month


  • ChatGPT review reply
  • Business review requests
  • Google review import
  • Facebook review import
  • Yelp | Trustpilot review import
Install from Shopify appstore

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