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JustViewed ‑ Recently Products

Refresh your buyer’s memory and boost sales by Recently Viewed Products in your store.

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Prezen Apps
  • Price: Free plan available. Free trial available.
JustViewed ‑ Recently Products
  • JustViewed ‑ Recently Products Screenshot
  • JustViewed ‑ Recently Products Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the JustViewed ‑ Recently Products

Generate more revenue | Soft-sell products | Simplify the checkout process. Customers may want to pick up their shopping journey from where they have last left off. The Recently Viewed Products feature offers them an overview of the items they may have explored of late. It serves as a reminder for recently viewed items that once held their interest and encourages them to complete the purchase. We also offer homepage customization to display Recently Viewed Products on the home screen.

Key features

  • Multiple Language Translation Support
  • Mobile-friendly display without losing out on features and functionalities.
  • Customize the “Buy Now/Add to Cart” button to maintain brand consistency.
  • Customize recently viewed products with border and background color and display.
  • Enable or disable the recently viewed product slider and auto slider feature.

Pricing of JustViewed ‑ Recently Products




  • Free for Test stores & Trial Plan Stores
  • Includes all features of basic Plan


$3.99 / month


  • Fully Customizable Slider
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Clear All Recently Viewed Items
  • Show Anywhere on your theme
  • 24/7 Email Support


$5.99 / month


  • All Basic Plan Features
  • Multiple Language Translation Support
Install from Shopify appstore

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