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Singleton | Quantity Price

In product detail page, show product price multiplied by selected quantity for your customers

Singleton | Quantity Price

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the Singleton | Quantity Price

You can show your customers product price based on selected quantity. Price for product will be automatically recalculated (multiplied) by the selected quantity. For example, if product price is $10 and customer set "2" in quantity field, customer will see product price $20 in product detail page. App is compatible with different product variants prices and price is automatically recalculated and multiply by selected quantity, even if customer choose another product variant.

Key features

  • Enable/disable to change product price based on quantity (multiply by quantity)
  • You can even enable/disable change product "compare at" price based on quantity
  • You can fit this app to any of your theme in app configuration

Pricing of Singleton | Quantity Price

Basic plan

$3.99 / month


  • All features included
  • Chat support inside app configuration
Install from Shopify appstore

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