Logistic Pro - Transport - Cargo - Online Tracking - Booking & Logistics Services Shopify Theme
Version 1.9
Fix: https://prnt.sc/kgmmmlVersion 1.8
Update: Boxed layout header and megamenu fix for boxed layoutVersion 1.7
Fix: mini cart displays scrollbar when there are many products in the cartVersion 1.6
Fix: Newsletter popup issueVersion 1.5
Fixed bugs: Two sections home slider in homepageVersion 1.4
- New default skin - Bugs fixed: menu disappears in static headerVersion 1.3
Fix: http://prntscr.com/jstf6uLogistic Pro is modern and stylish Shopify Theme with design. It is best fit for logistics, trucking, warehousing, cargo, transportation, ocean freight and air freight services. It is a designed website Theme with the highly niche-specific design that provides usability and creativity for your next web project. Logistic Pro includes all the necessary functionality to present logistic type services online. This theme is super responsive and extremely easy customizable. In this Theme, you’ll find some interesting ui elements. There are several options pages and different color schemes that will help your customer’s user find information clearly and easily.
Highlight Features:- Unique and Top Creative designs
- Support Shopify Sections
- Dropdown Mega Menu (megamenu:
- Dropdown menu support
- Pushed menu style in tablet and mobile
- Well responsive and mobile friendly
- Main Slideshow
- Parallax effect
- Showing beautiful slideshow image with many effects and other configurations.
- Free upload images
- Well responsive and mobile friendly
- Advanced Product Filter
- And many more features…
- Drag & Drop Layout Builder
- Unlimited Color
- Configuring background and color for header, content, footer and some other modules easily
- Supporting Internationalizing, enables merchants to use the Shopify Language Editor to translate their storefront content into another language
- Mini drop down login
- Mini drop down cart
- Custom logo, favicon upload easily
- Supporting multiple currencies
- Working Contact form with Google Map
- Related Product with slider effect
- Easy social sharing buttons on products
- Style customer area
- Style checkout area
- Integration with the Google Web Fonts library
- Apply google rick snippet
- Custom effect for product image
You can create website with Logistic Pro within minutes and can save time and money. Logistic Pro is fully responsive Shopify Theme and is adaptive with any size viewport. Solid integration of reusable UI components and latest trending plugins.
Included in the purchase package: