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Login As Customer ‑ Magefan

Deliver exceptional support: log into customer accounts and assist them with various tasks

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Magefan
  • Price: Free plan available. Free trial available.
Login As Customer ‑ Magefan

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin

About the Login As Customer ‑ Magefan

Optimize your customer support and deliver better and faster service with little effort. Log in as a customer directly from the admin panel and assist customers with various tasks. Place orders, prepare shopping carts, fill out order details, finish account set-up, fix account-related issues and more. Note: the app doesn’t require you to use Shopify Plus, it just offers different options to login with and without the Multipass technology available in the Plus plan.

Key features

  • Login to customer account without a password (with Multipass)
  • Login as customer once customers grant you assistance (without Multipass)
  • Reset customers’ passwords to login to their account (without Multipass)
  • Login to customer account from CRM and helpdesk (with API)
  • Monitor login activity in logs

Pricing of Login As Customer ‑ Magefan

Basic Plan



  • Note: no B2B
  • 10 logins per month
  • Сustomer consent for assistance
  • Customer password reset
  • Shopify Multipass login compatibility
  • API endpoints

Standard Plan

$19 / month


  • Note: no B2B
  • Unlimited logins
  • Сustomer consent for assistance
  • Customer password reset

Pro Plan

$39 / month


  • Note: no B2B
  • Unlimited logins
  • Сustomer consent for assistance
  • Customer password reset
  • Shopify Multipass login compatibility
  • API endpoints
Install from Shopify appstore

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