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Fashion Shopify Theme - Performy

Fashion Shopify Theme - Performy

Perfomy is supported by many more features than before, such as Group Product (without apps), support for 3D product view and video integration. In order to optimize the UX for this interface, we have introduced many display options for the product page. You can select more display interfaces, options for how to display variations in the form of list/colors, count down timer, up-sell/cross-sell product, popup reference product..etc. Website speed has been optimized for a smoother feel.

Website Speed Test Result
  • Webpagetest
  • GTMetrix
  • Google Speed Test

  • Outstanding Support. If you need any kind of help or support, please do not hesitate to contact
  • Lifetime free updates
  • Shopify Drap & Drop Section Editor Support: Easily customizable with predefined elements. You do not need to know html or css to change the layout of your website
  • Free Wishlist Shopify Module, Free Compare Product Shopify Module, Support Customer Reviews Shopify App
  • Free EU Privacy Popup, Mailchimp Popup
  • Definitely help you sell more products with Smart Cross-sell Product Popup, Smart Ajax Search Suggestion
  • Free Mobile Touch Slideshow support multi layer images, video
  • Unlimited Color Options
  • 100% Fully Responsive, Twitter Bootstrap 3, HTML5 & CSS3 & Sass CSS
  • Lazy Load Image
  • Advanced Typography Options, Font Awesome Icons Integrated, Google Web Fonts Integration
  • Advanced Layout Options: Wide & Boxed Layout, supports multiple layouts for homepage, collection page, and product page. You can optionally have an interface with a sidebar, or a side bar on the left or right. Grid & List Mode, Option to display the number of products on each page
  • Product Deal count down time, Product Carousel, Product Sale Label, Product Hover & Quick View
  • Customizable product category page layouts
  • Customizable product detail page layouts
  • Prefined Style Page; Contact Page, FAQs
  • SEO optimized : Speed, Google’s Rich Snippet, heading, title, Google Mobile Friendly
  • And Much More! Check out the various demos!

Version 1.0

August 24, 2017 – Version 1.1

Feature update:

- Hover Effect Setting for Product Sections & Collections Page: Switch Image

Fix bug:

- Menu mobile