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Easy Pick List

Speed up order fulfilment and reduce stock picking errors. Generate a pick list in just a few clicks

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    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

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  • Developers: Website
  • Price: $9.99/month. Free trial available.
Easy Pick List
  • Easy Pick List Screenshot
  • Easy Pick List Screenshot

About the Easy Pick List

Create a pick list in just a few clicks, grouping items to save multiple trips to the same product. You can pack orders using your phone, tablet, or laptop; no additional equipment is required. The pick list is updated in real time, preventing other pickers from picking the same order. It is available across all of your devices so you can continue a pick list at a later date and can be reviewed after you finish. To resolve issues during the pick, you can mark items as out of stock or not found.

Key features

  • Create and track multiple pick lists.
  • Pick lists sorted by product to simplify the picking process.
  • Orders can be picked on a mobile phone or tablet.
  • View the details of all previous pick lists.
  • Unlimited orders, pick lists, and users.

Pricing of Easy Pick List

Basic plan

$9.99 / month

Install from Shopify appstore

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