Astronaut ‑ Digital downloads
Good solution for selling and downloading eBooks, videos, audios and many other digital products.
App highlights:
- Works with the latest themes
About the Astronaut ‑ Digital downloads
You can sell all kinds of digital products such as source code, images, videos, audios, e-books and many other digital files to an unlimited number of customers. You don't have to worry about security and file transfers to your clients, the app has advanced configurations and handles it for you. Customers easily download digital files once payment is done. Good solution for a store that specializes in selling digital products.
Key features
- Easy to install and use, upload, attach and start selling.
- Quick access and download as soon as payment is complete.
- Security and safety with advanced options.
- Customize email templates and download pages.
Pricing of Astronaut ‑ Digital downloads
- 50 MB files storage
- 10GB bandwidth per month
$9.99 / month
- 10GB files storage
- 20GB bandwidth per month
- $1/GB of bandwidth above limit
$25.99 / month
- 50GB files storage
- 70GB bandwidth per month
- $0.75/GB of bandwidth above limit
$59.99 / month
- 250GB files storage
- 500GB bandwidth per month
- $0.5/GB of bandwidth above limit
Shopify Page Builder and Theme Sections collection
Craft your perfect Shopify store with sections and ready-to-go pages by KAVA Sections app.