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SpurIT Discount Reminder

Automate the process of sending notifications when prices decrease.

SpurIT Discount Reminder
  • SpurIT Discount Reminder Screenshot
  • SpurIT Discount Reminder Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Works with the latest themes

About the SpurIT Discount Reminder

Discount Reminder lets your customers register for an instant email alert if they are interested in purchasing a product, but at this moment the price is not suitable for them. When the price for the product is decreased, customers will receive an automatic notification.

Key features

  • Automated notifications
  • Set up individual prices
  • Design that sells

Pricing of SpurIT Discount Reminder

Install from Shopify appstore

Shopify Page Builder and Theme Sections collection

Craft your perfect Shopify store with sections and ready-to-go pages by KAVA Sections app.