Your Privacy Control Center. Automated data mapping, DSR management, guided assessments and more.
Integrations with:
- Zendesk
- Okta
- Intercom
- Marketo
About the DataGrail
Key features
- Continuously detect systems to understand where consumer data is stored.
- Automate data subject request (access, delete, do-not-sell) fulfillment.
- Provide an accurate privacy blueprint + records of processing activities (RoPA).
- Complete privacy assessments with intelligent workflows + auto-populated fields.
Shopify Page Builder and Theme Sections collection
Craft your perfect Shopify store with sections and ready-to-go pages by KAVA Sections app.
The Best Cookie consent apps
Pandectes GDPR Compliance
Optimized GDPR with TCF v2.2, GCM v2, and Checkout ext Banner
Avada GDPR Cookie Consent
GDPR Banner For CCPA/GDPR Compliance, GCM v2, Checkout Block
TinyCookie: GDPR Cookie Banner
GDPR/CCPA cookie compliance consent bar with Google Consent V2
Consentmo GDPR Compliance
GDPR banner: Google Certified, GCM v2, Checkout Block, TCFv2.2
Consentik GDPR Cookies Banner
Create Cookie Consent Banner for GDPR/CCPA privacy with GCM v2
Hulk GDPR Cookie Consent Bar
Ensure compliance and safe browsing for your store.
Ultimate GDPR EU Cookie Banner
A minimal, modern and stunning GDPR cookie bar.
Scala GDPR EU Cookie Banner
Add a compliant cookie banner to your website in one click
Enzuzo Data Privacy
Intuitive, easy-to-use solution for all your compliance needs.
GDPR Legal Cookie by iubenda
Instantly simplify GDPR compliance and Google Consent Mode.
GDPRify ‑ Smart GDPR Banner
Block Cookies and JavaScript with a geo-targeted GDPR banner.
Cookie Consent by CookieFirst
Create Cookie banner for GDPR and CCPA enable Consent Mode v2