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Candle Jar

Effortlessly manage your entire candle-making process from concept to crafting candles that sell

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  • Developers: Website
  • Price: $24.99/month. Free trial available.
Candle Jar
  • Candle Jar Screenshot
  • Candle Jar Screenshot

About the Candle Jar

Candle Jar is a platform built for candle makers. Streamline every aspect of your candle-making business in one place.From detailed burn tests to perfecting your recipes, Candle Jar guides you through every phase, turning your ideas into reality. Effortlessly manage your inventory with curing periods in mind, ensuring your batches are ready to shine on the shelves.Gain invaluable insights into what makes your candles sell, and understand your customers' preferences and buying habits.

Key features

  • All your recipes at your fingertips
  • Monitor the progress of all your curing candles
  • Automatically update your supplies stock levels
  • Perfect your candle recipes through precise testing
  • Get invaluable insight on what makes your candle sell

Pricing of Candle Jar


$24.99 / month


  • Candle recipes
  • Production planner
  • Customer sales insights
  • Candle curing monitoring
  • Cost of goods calculator
  • Supplies management
  • Burn tests
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