Bonzanapp helps you to forecast. Decide to work on your weak points or to increase your budget.
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- 0 Reviews
- Developers: Marc Aurelion
Integrations with:
- Facebook Ads
- Google Ads
- Tiktok Ads
About the Bonzanapp
Find new optimizations and put your growth on steroids. Use our forecast feature to understand how your acquisition will respond to your marketing efforts.Focus your time on what really makes you money. Use our automations to import your marketing data in the same place and save time.Increase your productivity by automating these repetitive tasks. Use our templates to fill your informations and save time.
Key features
- Gather all your data sources Automatically import data from your favorite tools.
- Start with ready-made templates We have prepared templates for you.
- Create your own reports
Pricing of Bonzanapp
Bonzanapp Unique
- 4+ Integrations
- Daily refresh of data
- 3 Years of historical data
- Analytics templates
- Forecast marketing
- Live customer support
Shopify Page Builder and Theme Sections collection
Craft your perfect Shopify store with sections and ready-to-go pages by KAVA Sections app.