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PagePace for Blog Reading Time

This app calculates and displays the estimated reading time from the content of blog articles.

PagePace for Blog Reading Time
  • PagePace for Blog Reading Time Screenshot
  • PagePace for Blog Reading Time Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the PagePace for Blog Reading Time

Displaying the estimated reading time on blogs can have several positive effects: Improved User Experience, Increased Engagement, Reduced Bounce Rate and etc. Why not try these effects using PagePace? This app can automatically calculate and display the estimated reading time from the content of blog articles. Customization can be done with no code.

Key features

  • Culculate the read time of the blog contents automatically.
  • Fully customizable without coding.
  • Support both word base culculation and charactor base culculation.

Pricing of PagePace for Blog Reading Time

Install from Shopify appstore

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