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Awsm Collections Sort & Filter

AWSM automated collections - best sellers of the last month, filter by brand, auto-updated by magic

Awsm Collections Sort & Filter
  • Awsm Collections Sort & Filter Screenshot
  • Awsm Collections Sort & Filter Screenshot

About the Awsm Collections Sort & Filter

Dive into a new era of collection sort management with AWSM Collections. Harness the power of automation to effortlessly categorize products based on brand, best sellers, inventory levels, and tags. Our app goes beyond mere organization; it dynamically creates new collections weekly or monthly, ensuring a fresh, engaging shopping experience. AWSM Collections isn't just smart; it's a proactive powerhouse designed to keep your store aheas, making product discoverability a breeze!

Key features

  • Filter by title, vendor, price, tags, metafields, inventory, variant options
  • AI powered rules engine converts your text to optimal collection sort rules
  • Collection sort runs every hours to ensure your categories are up to date

Pricing of Awsm Collections Sort & Filter


$59 / month


  • 20 AI-enhanced collections


$99 / month


  • 40 AI-enhanced collections


$199 / month


  • 100 AI-enhanced collections


$299 / month


  • 250 AI-enhanced collections
Install from Shopify appstore

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