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Buy Online Pickup Anywhere

36K+ pickup location that retailers can offer as alternative delivery locations for their customers

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    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

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  • Developers: Via.Delivery
  • Price: Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
Buy Online Pickup Anywhere

Integrations with:

  • Checkout

About the Buy Online Pickup Anywhere

Via.Delivery BOPA (Buy Online Pickup Anywhere) is a network of 36K+ locations that D2C brands can utilize as an alternative delivery offering to their customers. These locations include Walgreens, Dollar General, and CVS shops, FedEx offices, UPS stores, and other (pharmacies, grocery stores, or convenience stores). The BOPA service helps reduce shipping expenses, enhances the security of the delivery process, and decreases shopping cart abandonment, resulting in more sales.

Key features

  • Reduced shipping costs
  • Eliminated porch piracy
  • Boost in sales

Pricing of Buy Online Pickup Anywhere

Free to install

Install from Shopify appstore

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