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APO Product Options, Variants

Create unlimited product variants, product options & variant options with conditional rules & prices

  • Raiting


    (Based on Shopify AppStore)

  • Reviews
  • Developers: Mageworx
  • Price: Free plan available. Free trial available.
APO Product Options, Variants
  • APO Product Options, Variants Screenshot
  • APO Product Options, Variants Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the APO Product Options, Variants

You can now offer the full range of your product variety, all in one place. There’s no limit to the number of options you can add or the number of product variants you can create. Your products can now have dynamic pricing, meaning their prices change based on the options the shopper selects. You can link multiple options, making the selection of one option influence the availability of another. And with Add-on Products, you can upsell or bundle your other products by presenting them as options.

Key features

  • Unlimited product variants: product options & variant options in any combination
  • 12 options types: color & image swatches, dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes
  • Conditional logic: show & hide certain dependent options based on user selection
  • Add-on products: create options based on other products. Easy upsell & bundle!
  • Dynamic pricing, localization, translations, bulk edit, and more.

Pricing of APO Product Options, Variants




  • Free for development stores only


$14.99 / month


  • Unlimited products & options
  • All features, including:
  • • 12 option types
  • • Swatches
  • • Conditional logic
  • • Add-on products
  • • Price rules
Install from Shopify appstore

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