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Centous Solutions

  • experience

    6 years
  • Developed

    10 apps
  • Rating (Based on Shopify AppStore)


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Box Music ‑ Background Music

Play background music audio player in your store. Song, Sound

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MPO ‑ Multiple Product Options

Set multiple product options or variants with condition logic

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Termzy ‑ I Agree To Terms

Add a Terms and Conditions checkbox without any hassle!

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Insureful: Shipping Protection

Setup shipping protection based on percentage and fixed plans

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Tagify ‑ Customer & Orders Tag

Auto add/remove order & customer tags using various conditions

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Centous ‑ Testimony Reviews

Collect & Display Happy Customers Testimonials Widgets

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Likely ‑ Like Me Button

Show like button or like icons on your product page

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Mport ‑ Bulk Metafield Import

Bulk product metafield import/export using simple CSV

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