8 years -
43 apps -
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Import Airbnb reviews. Embed Airbnb reviews. Get more reviews
Visualize your advantages through before and after pictures
Stay compliant with privacy laws using a Cookie Consent Banner
Create custom forms for collecting customer data and feedback
Make attractive image sliders to showcase products and offers.
Increase Conversions with High-Quality Photo Galleries
Import and embed Tripadvisor reviews. Collect new reviews.
Embed Vimeo Videos, Product Video Gallery, Vimeo Gallery
Autoplay custom audio on your store with Background Music.
Streamline Your Social Media Marketing with Facebook Feed.
Embed files for viewing and downloading. 20+ formats supported
Collect Google Reviews and display top reviews in your store!
Current weather & real-time weather forecast for a location.
Showcase logos of brands and clients that trust your business.
Display your products and works with style and elegance.
Unlimited Store, Dealer and Stockist Locations on Google Maps.
Showcase Instagram feeds by user, hashtag, or location!
Create Pricing Plans and Package Pricing for your store
Simplify Social Media Sharing with Customizable Icons.
Promote content on social media with Social Share Buttons.
Attract more customers with captivating videos on your store.