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APPSYL.COM - Apps You Love

  • experience

    6 years
  • Developed

    10 apps
  • Rating (Based on Shopify AppStore)


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Appsyl Floating Bubble

Add a customizable chat widget on your store!

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Appsyl's Bestseller Sorting

Disable the sorting of the bestselling products on your Store

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Bounce Back Redirector

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Buyer Redirectz
Buyer Redirectz
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Redirect Buy Button to create external URL links

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Cart Conversion Boost

Hide PayPal, Apple Pay and Amazon Pay payment buttons!

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Discount Labelz
Discount Labelz
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Show savings directly on the product images

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Upsell Funnels & Checkout URLs

Build Upsell Sales Funnel & URLs to cart checkout

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Product Hider
Product Hider
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NoFollow & NoIndex Meta Tag SEO Manager to hide your products

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SEO Optimizr
SEO Optimizr
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