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Integrations with


GoWish ‑ Global Wishlist

Up conversions, sales and reach new customers with wishlists

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Smart Wishlist APP
Smart Wishlist APP
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Allow customers to add products to their wishlists.

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WA Wishlist
WA Wishlist
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Wishlist without account and multiple lists for logged users.

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YouPay: Cart Sharing

Let your shoppers share their cart for others to pay for them

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Yellos Wishlist
Yellos Wishlist
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Drive sales with easy-to-setup, highly customizable Wishlist.

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WishTxt: SMS wishlist alerts

Wishlist with SMS and WhatsApp store alerts

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Wishlist Wizard
Wishlist Wizard
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Squadkin ‑ Multi Wishlist App

Multi Category and Customizable Wishlist For Guest & Customers

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Wishlist ‑ Wishify

Wishlist - Allow users to create a Wishlist of favorite items

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Simple Wishlist
Simple Wishlist
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Allow users to add/remove items to favourites

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Pasilobus Wishlist Supply List

B2C & B2B wishlists with order forms and one-click reordering

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Wishlist + Save for Later

Create wishlists or save items for later on the cart page.

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CP24 Wishlist, Push, Reminders

Engage customers & visitors with Wishlist, Web Push Marketing

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Wishlist Project Planner

Customers can plan projects or save orders with this wishlist

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AAA Wishlist App
AAA Wishlist App
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Create Wishlist and let customer share it with friends

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Wishlist Power
Wishlist Power
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Easy to set up wishlist that adapts to the most popular themes

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