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TagFly Google Tag GTM Tracking

Quickly integrate Google Tag Manager, GA4, Facebook (Meta), TikTok and more for precise tracking.

TagFly Google Tag GTM Tracking
  • TagFly Google Tag GTM Tracking Screenshot
  • TagFly Google Tag GTM Tracking Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

Integrations with:

  • Checkout
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Online Store 2.0
  • Google Analytics 4
  • Facebook Ads
  • Facebook API
  • TikTok Ads

About the TagFly Google Tag GTM Tracking

TagFly transforms tracking for Shopify stores, seamlessly integrating Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook, and TikTok. Our server-side solution captures every detail of shopper behavior with custom events, enhancing analytics without slowing your site. Skip setup hassles with pre-configured containers and shift from guesswork to data-driven decisions. Boost your marketing precision across all platforms effortlessly. Unlock valuable insights and drive your business forward with TagFly.

Key features

  • Install Google tags by copying and pasting the container/tracking ID
  • Server-side tracking captures accurate data, combating iOS limitations
  • Set up Google Tag Manager, GA4 and Facebook Pixel and TikTok Pixel effortlessly
  • A complete pre-built customer data, GA4, Facebook, TikTok events for GTM
  • No burden on site speed with all tags in one Google container

Pricing of TagFly Google Tag GTM Tracking

Install from Shopify appstore

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