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POWR: Nudge FOMO Sales Alert

Use your real-time inventory stats for more sales with low stock alerts, order deadlines, and more.

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  • Price: Free plan available
POWR: Nudge FOMO Sales Alert

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin
    • Works with the latest themes

About the POWR: Nudge FOMO Sales Alert

The POWR Nudge app is a quick and easy way to improve conversion rates, trigger a sales action, and speed up buying urgency. Use FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) marketing to improve close rates and reduce cart abandonment. The Nudge app uses your real-time inventory counts to move more stock faster. Here are some ideas: Now Popular, Selling Out, Overnight Delivery, Order Within 2 Days. Show how many items are left, sold, and more. Create scarcity for better shopper engagement.

Key features

  • Create multiple nudges and pre-schedule them to show up in a sequence
  • Show real-time stats of how many products have sold or how many are left
  • Display more than one nudge at a time on one page or across many pages
  • Unlike a popup, a nudge will not disrupt the shopper's experience
  • Mobile-friendly and fully-customizable to match your brand

Pricing of POWR: Nudge FOMO Sales Alert




  • Real-time stock connection
  • 2,000 views/mo
  • 3 nudge elements
  • 10-sec display
  • Adjust size, position, and transitions
  • 24/7 email support


$5.49 / month


  • All of Free +
  • Remove POWR branding
  • 4,000 views/mo
  • 5 nudge elements
  • Adjust display time
  • Live chat support


$13.49 / month


  • All of Starter +
  • 12,000 views/mo
  • 50 nudge elements
  • Prevent closing
  • Custom CSS/JS


$89.99 / month


  • All of Pro +
  • All premium features unlocked
  • Unlimited views
  • Unlimited access to all 60+ POWR apps, like
  • Contact Form
  • Popup
  • and others
Install from Shopify appstore

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