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Notifications by Modd Apps

Send custom emails, upload files, add tags and much more, trigger by any shop event!

Notifications by Modd Apps
  • Notifications by Modd Apps Screenshot
  • Notifications by Modd Apps Screenshot

About the Notifications by Modd Apps

Send emails and files to staff, suppliers, partners, customers and more based on specific conditions (send orders for Vendor1 products to Warehouse2) Update objects in your store (ex. add "VIP" tag to customer if 3rd order or value > $300 ) Complex logic is easy to attain using our extended Liquid support (ex. email customer and tag order if order is unfulfilled after 7 days and customer total spend is > $1000) Our 5 star support team is always here to help during your trial period!

Key features

  • Send customizable emails, files and more when specific events occur in your shop
  • Automatically add tags, notes, metafields and more with complex logic
  • Extensive customization of emails and logic with HTML and Liquid
  • Send files via FTP, for example to the vendors of the products ordered

Pricing of Notifications by Modd Apps


$5 / month


  • 1 active callback, 100 emails/month, 500 triggers/month, full testing suite


$20 / month


  • 5 active callbacks, 500 emails/month, 2500 triggers/month, full testing suite, delayed sending, global variables, cron jobs


$45 / month


  • 20 active callbacks, 2500 emails/month, 12,500 triggers/month, send to FTP, testing suite, global variables, cron jobs, custom code


$100 / month


  • 100 active callbacks, 10,000 emails/month, 50,000 triggers/month, same features as Gold Plan!
Install from Shopify appstore

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