Easy Heatmap
Easy heatmap can you record visitor activity to help improve conversion rates and reduce abandonment
App highlights:
- Works with the latest themes
About the Easy Heatmap
Easy Heatmap is a Shopify app, it reflects where visitors click, scroll and tap on your site, and generate a Heatmap image, to achieve the purpose of analyzing user behavior.This data can help you understand any issues your customers are having while using your website. For example, locations that are viewed the most but clicked rarely, which is conducive to re-arranging the location of your store.
Key features
- Record the user's visit page and click location
- All themes are supported and can be filtered by device (PC/Mobile)
- Unlimited number of record page views
Shopify Page Builder and Theme Sections collection
Craft your perfect Shopify store with sections and ready-to-go pages by KAVA Sections app.