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Easy Shipping Rate Manager

Different products may require individual shipping rates. As you can sell big and small, light and h

Easy Shipping Rate Manager
  • Easy Shipping Rate Manager Screenshot
  • Easy Shipping Rate Manager Screenshot

App highlights:

    • Use directly in Shopify admin

About the Easy Shipping Rate Manager

Set individual flat shipping rate for each product; Stop receiving incorrect shipping rates; Import and export individual shipping rates. Easy Shipping Rate Manager lets you set custom shipping rates for your customers. Easy Shipping Rate Manager gives you two distinct features to create custom shipping rate Using 'per product' shipping prices lets you set shipping prices for each one of your products for the different countries.

Key features

  • Set individual flat shipping rate for each product and Stop loosing money.
  • Offer Order total based shipping rates to get lowest shipping rates.
  • Beat the competition by offering shipping rates per Product or by Order Total

Pricing of Easy Shipping Rate Manager

Full Access

$20 / month

Install from Shopify appstore

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