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Shop Circle

  • experience

    11 years
  • Developed

    9 apps
  • Rating (Based on Shopify AppStore)


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SC Customer Tagging
SC Customer Tagging
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Automated customer tags: Segmentation, workflows, email

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SC Easy Redirects
SC Easy Redirects
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Auto manage 404, 301, and live URL redirects to optimize SEO.

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SC Loyalty Rewards
SC Loyalty Rewards
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Loyalty rewards: points, tiers, referrals, POS, discounts

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SC Order Tags & Flows

Add, remove and delay order auto tags to manage your workflows

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SC Back in Stock Restock Alert

Back in stock & Restock alerts, notify me via SMS & email.

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SC Product Options
SC Product Options
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Customize products: Infinite options, color swatches, variants

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SC Conjured Referrals

Boost brand loyalty with referral programs & tailored rewards

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SC Store Locator Map

Store / Dealer locations, Google Maps directions & navigation

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SC Sales Motivator
SC Sales Motivator
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Drive average order value with geo-fenced free shipping bar.

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