Manage credit card authorizations. Reduce fees, prevent revenue loss, improve customer satisfaction.
App highlights:
- Use directly in Shopify admin
About the VoidAuth
For Shopify merchants using Shopify Payments. Void credit card authorizations that are stuck in cancelled state and improve customer service. Track your authorization expirations to prevent revenue loss. Ship your orders on time to avoid additional payment processing fees.
Key features
- Void authorizations for credit cards.
- View orders that will incur additional payment processing fees.
- View orders with expiring authorizations to capture or fulfill.
Pricing of VoidAuth
$65 / month
- Void credit card authorization made by Shopify Payments.
$95 / month
- Includes basic plan features. Dashboard summarizing days left to 1.75% fee, days before authorization and honor period expirations.
Shopify Page Builder and Theme Sections collection
Craft your perfect Shopify store with sections and ready-to-go pages by KAVA Sections app.