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SafeShop TrustedShop PCI Badge

TrustedShop PCI Verified Badge converts customers faster

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OneID Age Verification

Regulatory compliant age checks, without losing sales.

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Omnibus Price On Autopilot

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Omnibus Pricing
Omnibus Pricing
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Make discount prices Omnibus Directive compliant in EU markets

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Omnibus Insight: Price Tracker

Comply with EU Directive while providing transparent pricing

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Omnibus Compliant Price

Make your shop comply with the EU Omnibus Directive

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Nexa ‑ Checkout T&C Checkbox

Add GDPR compliant ToC checkbox to your new checkout page

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Terms and Conditions Pro+

Products Specific T&C Checkbox with Popup , Dynamic checkout

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Onltr Age Verifier
Onltr Age Verifier
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Verify customer age and deter under-age visitors

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Mega Terms and Conditions

Streamline Checkout with Cart "Terms and Conditions" Checkbox

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Mega Age Verification

Age verification popup for secure compliance, 18+ age check

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Legal ‑ France
Legal ‑ France
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Le kit indispensable de mentions légales tout en un !

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GDPR in accordance with Turkish law

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Ketch Consent Management

Ketch focuses on making privacy and compliance simple

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IT‑Recht AGB‑Schnittstelle

Rechtssicherheit: Automatische Aktualisierung der Rechtstexte

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Termzy ‑ I Agree To Terms

Add a Terms and Conditions checkbox without any hassle!

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Händlerbund Rechtstexte

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