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Skyrocket sales by using a custom bar
Create and personalize your countdowns
Announcement, Shipping, Discount Sidebar to promote offers
Boost your customer purchases with dynamic messages on pages
GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice For EU/UK Online Store
Show your BFCM notifications or announcement's Popup & Bar
Improve customer experience with delivery estimations
Increase average order value with cart goals and timer in one.
Add a free shipping calculation bar
Add privacy preferences management options.
Create social media style menus for easy navigation.
All the tools you need to be fully compliant - GDPR/CCPA/LGDP.
Announcement Bar | Free Shipping Bar | Subscription Bar
Banners for Free Shipping Progress, Countdown, Announcement ++
Show Free Shipping & Offer Bar to Increase Average Order value
Announcement bar & popup. Abandoned cart recovery. No branding