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Dynamic shipping rates and delivery dates on product pages
Easy Shipping with Label, Automatic Tracking, SMS notification
Optimize your order delivery workflow with a custom datepicker
Address validation made simple, stop failed deliveries now
Simple to Setup. Effective Cash on Delivery Order Management.
Courier Aggregator, Logistics Service for Ecommerce businesses
Same-day delivery service for SMEs in Brazil
The smarter way to deliver same day
Sync your orders with Locate2u for routing and delivery
Adds Store Locator, Store Pickup, Delivery Date functionality.
Tracking set on autopilot
Easy order fulfillment estimates for your storefront!
Automate shipping with bulk fulfillment, live rates and label.
Allow customers to select order delivery date on cart page
Showcase an estimated delivery date timeline on product pages
ZipLogic is an awesome zip code validator & restrictor app.
日本発完全ローカライズなテイクアウトとデリバリー注文に対応! 複数店舗対応、通常配送の併用等多様な商業シーンに活躍します。
Address validation at checkout to prevent delivery failures