Best FREE Search and navigation - Other Shopify apps in 2025
A button allows the user to quickly return to the top of the page without making too much effort.
Especially if your content is long and descriptive, scroll to top buttons make it easy for the user to go back to the top of the page with just one click.Modern sites have the scroll-to-top function built-in. Now, if your Shopify theme doesn't have the scroll to the top button as a default function, the Smooth Scroll To Top will help you. -
Create Instagram like menu for your store and it helps in accessing different products in mobile
With a few click, we help create an Instagram like Story menu. With Story menu they can access the important product/catalogue pages there by increasing conversion and easiness for the customers. -
Effortlessly return to the top with a single click. Enhance user navigation with ease.
Simplify navigation effortlessly with just a one click return to the top. With just a single click, users can smoothly scroll back to the top of the page, eliminating the need for manual scrolling. This app provides customization options to match your store's design and seamlessly integrates into your existing theme.With its easy integration and user friendly functionality, this app enhances user experience, boosts engagement, and keeps visitors engaged for longer. -
Effortless navigation: add a stylish scroll to top button that upgrades your customer experience
Give your customers a smooth and effortless shopping experience with Mega Scroll to Top. This easy-to-use app adds a customizable "Back to Top" button that helps shoppers navigate your store with ease. A single click whisks your customers back to the top of your page, improving user experience and reducing bounce rates. -
Boost sales with intelligent search, tailored product filters, and advanced discovery tools
Enhance your Shopify store with Search7 for better product discovery, smoother navigation, and increased conversions. Featuring real-time search results, dynamic filters, mobile-friendly and highly customizable options, Search7 helps shoppers find products quickly and easily. It seamlessly matches your store's theme. Plus, with actionable analytics, you can optimize your inventory and marketing strategies to drive business growth.