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Search and filters

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Searchanise Search & Filter

Increase sales with smart search result pages & custom filters

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Search X
Search X
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Search Magic
Search Magic
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Affordable, featured-packed search for mobile and desktop.

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Search Veil
Search Veil
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Hide products from search. By tags, out of stock and more.

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Shopify Search & Discovery

Customize your storefront search and discovery experience

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Nimstrata Search & Discovery

Add Google Vertex AI search and filtering to your store

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Automate search and discovery personalization with Relewise.

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Rapid AI Search Bar & Filter

Boost sales with AI search bar, smart filters, instant search.

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Boost AI Search & Filter

Turn every search to sales with AI Search Bar & Custom Filters

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Smart Product Filter & Search

Discover tailored products with our Search Filter

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Prefixbox AI Search & Filter

AI powered search, filtering, and detailed analytics

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Advanced Predictive Search

By typing 2 characters, will show you all related products

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Impresee’s Smart Search Bar

ChatGPT Search, Image search, Keyword tool, SEO optimizer

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GPT Spotlight
GPT Spotlight
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Omega Instant Search

Improve store searching and boost your sales

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Commerce Experience Platform to increase online revenue

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Smart Search & Filter

Collection Filter, Search and Discovery, Filter, Search Bar

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